What has 2020 done to me...

What have you done, you mother freaking beautiful 2020, to me? You are pretty much a disaster. You changed everything, by that I mean you ruined everything, by that I mean, you are chaos and a wanderer and cheap and a purifier, maybe with a sprinkle of sunshine and storm, you are happy and sad and arrrhggg a monster, by that I mean, you should be an unspeakable thing, by that I mean, you are a blessing in disguise. So many perspectives and so many emotions in one long sentence. That is by far my 2020 with just 10 months deep into it... Maybe it was also somewhere between the lines for you, but I hope and pray it's going on much better for you. 

Ohhh, hi, hello there. ;) ;) ;) (im not a creepy person) 

I didn't see you there... I hope I didn't offend you with my sudden outrage.


It is I!

Ey to the di! 

In the house! *confetti*


So hellow again you random person reading this. I like typing and explaining so I hope you bear with me. So yeaaahhh...... This is one of the few very old blog of mine. I got lots of others, I'm glad I lost them... As you can see (please don't check other posts- a lot are copy paste from random books ((it has a purpose)) asljsldfsdf don't check he he he) it's pretty much just a typical 12 or 13 year old type of random thing. Well!!! Not so now! One evening of September 2020, something... touched... my... heart... it touched my random old self ((now i kinda wish it didn't!)) and it told me to freakiiiiin' restart this old thing and use it for something useful. Wow, such english. Hiyassss. I have been meaning to actually restart this a few months ago but I'm so changeable! Hah,,,joke,,, I am so lazy. :c But now, I am feeling not that lazy I hope I stop being lazy so I can continue doing this thing whatever this is aaaahhhhh.

If you got VLOG, I got BLOG. Because I got so much words in my brain that it's either gonna be very boring for a vlog or just complete nonsense cause if you donut know I'm a very bad talker but I can write you long ass paragraphs ): ...... I do hope I can make some sense here. Huh... so much for a bad start. >,< I'm hoping to turn this blog for my hmmmmmmmmm let's say, testimonies archives. Hah whatta what whatta twist! You see, I have a very very very cool and loving and forgiving and kind and awesome best friend, His name is Jesus. Although we pretty much have a complicated long distance relationship, we try to work it out, cause He loves me infinitely and unconditionally I can't even explain. I don't even understand why He loves me so much... I hope you look forward to reading more of my stuff or something or not it's ok it's your choice. :c 

Idk what to say anymore... This is what 2020 has done to me. Did I tell you already? Not yeet??? Then look forward, duh. 

Ok. Bye.

I don't know how to end this :OOOOO

bye :* kiss hug <3 <3 <3

(((((eww )))))




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